
CNA Wiki retires

Today we retire our wiki page but the old content can still be found on web archive here. Still the most comprehensive reference regarding the NGOs once (2015)/ still active in Turkey working in the field of refugees is this graph compiled by Melih Cilga & Graph Commons.

State of Public disobedience

Les Braves film version courte from Anilore Banon on Vimeo. [Photo: Waiting for Anilore Banon permission on using Les Braves’s image ]   Hi public, start the disobedience! This message is short, but it carries the human history and the experiences we have all had up to this very moment experienced and learnt from. Learnt from comes with a question mark in behind of it. A question mark when typed is like this ‘?’. What do we […]


  So what are we looking at? Fences, BIG fences going up fast- built by convicts. Why the fences? Why STOP refugees who have no desire to stop, people who have TICKETS to RIDE out!!? Hungary’s President Viktor Orban had no problem expressing his reasons for stopping Refugees intent on reaching Germany and the promise of hope offered by Angela Merkel when he stated in Germany’s Frankfurter Allgemeine newspaper “We shouldn’t forget that the people […]

Behind the glorious bazaar

Kapali Çarsi, the Grand Bazaar, is Istanbul’s famous shopping destination for tourists from around the world, the ultimate Oriental shopping experience. Located adjacent to Sultan Ahmet, around the corner from The famed Blue Mosque, Haggia Sophia and Topkapi Palace, the Grand Bazaar employs around 26,000 people and hosts between 250,000 and 400,000 visitors daily. A grand cacophony of sounds, scents and colors populated by gaily dressed visitors from all corners of the earth gaily flock […]

Children and Kumkapi

Children and Kumkapi Both Turkish law and International Law through UNHCR make specific provisions for the handling of children in Detention. In Turkey, Detention Centers are termed Removal Centers, an upgrade from the term “Guesthouse”. The Turkish Law #6458. Article 59 http://www.goc.gov.tr/files/files/eng_minikanun_5_son.pdf states in paragraph (c) the best interest of the child shall be considered, and families and unaccompanied minors shall be accommodated in separate areas.  Sounds like a good plan and would be if […]

Dining with Detainees

  Istanbul is a city of great beauty, great history, and great cultural diversity. It sits on two continents joining the east and the west, literally. Down along the northern coast of the Marmara Sea, just around the bottom of the Golden Horn lays Kumkapi, famous for its fish restaurants, alive at night with the sounds of music, laughter, meals shared, Turkey at its most hospitable; a theater front, hiding in plain sight if one […]